
Northern Lights Auto

O încântare indica incredibil de rezistentă și ușor de întreținut.
În stoc
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$10.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$10.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$9.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$8.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$5.70 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$4.90 / seed
Adaugă în Coș
Cash on delivery
Plata în Numerar Disponibilă
Comanda va fi expediată 5 February de UPS Express Saver, shipping cost $0.00
Plata se poate face cu Card de Credit/Debit, Transfer Bancar și Bitcoin
Cu fiecare comandă vei primi cel puțin 1 sămânță gratuită
  • Incredibil de rezilientă. Foarte rezistentă la climele dure și ușor de cultivat, ideală pentru cultivatorii începători.
  • Pentru iubitorii de Indica. Un efect puternic de K.O. de îndată ce ați tras din cui, un produs obligatoriu pentru consumatorii care nu vor să se mai miște de pe canapea.
  • Compact, cu randament ridicat. Datorită liniei sale Indica, această tulpină crește perfect compactă, producând până la 600gr/m2, o alegere excelentă pentru cultivatorii discreți.
  • Arome intense. Mirosul unui amestec sărat de ardei, condimente și o aromă ușoară, care are gustul exact cum miroase.
  • Producător solid de rășină. Muguri super înghețați cu calici îngropați în trichomi, un necesitate pentru producătorii de hash!
  • Un upgrade de la original. Toate trăsăturile care au făcut populară această tulpină, acum rafinate. Așteptați-vă la tot ce-i mai bun.
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Radar Tehnologic

Northern Lights Auto
Climat Necesar
Foarte Cald
Foarte Rece
Majoritar Sativa
Predominant Indica
Foarte Puternic
Filtrul nu este necesar

Caracteristici Tehnice

Parametru Valoare
Gust Fructe, Piperat, Condimentat
CBD < 1%
Recoltă SUA Interior 1.6 – 2 oz/ft2
Recoltă SUA Exterior 2 – 5 oz/plantă
Mărime XL
Înălțime SUA 35 – 47 inci
Înflorire 9 săptămâni
Cameră Interior/Exterior
Sex Feminizat
Gene Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
Genetică Northern Light Autoflowering
Tip Autoflorantă
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Instagram Northern Lights Auto
Instagram Northern Lights Auto
Instagram Northern Lights Auto
Instagram Northern Lights Auto
Instagram Northern Lights Auto
Instagram Northern Lights Auto

Arbore genetic


O tulpină auto incredibil de rezistentă, ușor de crescut și perfectă pentru începători. Randamente generoase care te vor lăsa mască când vine vorba de efecte. Acest hibrid de indica este cea ce caută cei care au chef să stea tolăniți pe canapea lipsiți de griji. Am putut să îmbunătățim rezistența extrem de ridicată a plantelor Northern Lights, precum și randamentele. O tulpină foarte dură care răspunde bine la condițiile reci și la cald și necesită întreținere foarte mică. Un clasic vechi care te va impresiona cu efectele ei puternice și de lungă durată.

Descriere mugur

Mugurii ei sunt ușori, aerisiți, înghețați și au aproape o structură lungă și îngustă. Forma mugurilor este similară cu o ghindă cu caliciul umflat care iese peste tot. Tricomii sunt grupați împreună în fiecare punct al mugurelui, ceea ce o face o opțiune fantastică pentru producătorii de hașiș care lucrează cu cernut uscat.

Raport de fum

Northern Light te va lăsa în genunchi cerșind mai mult. Vei simți potența ei de 20% THC instantaneu cu un efect fizic puternic care-ți va demonstra ce înseamnă o indica adevărată. Cu fiecare fum te vei adânci și mai mult în starea de relaxare, ochii vor începe să se simtă grei și vei simți că te topești și contopești cu canapeaua. Vă recomandăm această încordare pentru orele de seară când trebuie să vă opriți dintr-o zi lungă sau să induceți un somn adânc lung, să stați acasă cu nimic de făcut, să vizionați filme și să utilizați cât mai puțină energie posibilă.

Aspect plantă

Când crești Northern Lights Auto, te poți aștepta ca plantele să atingă o înălțime de 90-120 cm. Crește destul de mare și vă va răsplăti cu o abundență de muguri de cea mai bună calitate, care pot fi de până la 500-600 gr/m2. Spațiul internodal va fi foarte scurt, ceea ce o va face ușor de crescut și întreținut, motiv pentru care este ideală pentru cultivatorii începători. Structura ei de frunze va fi un aspect clasic indica, cu o tulpină principală groasă și ramuri laterale din lemn de esenta tare. Un producător solid de muguri dulci sălbatici, în interior și în aer liber, o alegere foarte populară pentru cultivatorii care experimentează vreme rece și umedă.

Sigilat pentru a asigura autenticitatea
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Sfaturi de cultivare

Un producător mare care lucrează incredibil de bine într-o mare de verde (SOG). Nivelul ridicat de rezistență înseamnă că poate lupta împotriva bolilor plantelor, fără probleme, făcând-o să fie o alegere fantastică pentru climele mai reci, care experimentează veri scurte și ploi. Această tulpină are, de asemenea, o rezistență ridicată la insecte, ceea ce o face bună pentru grădinile care sunt suprasolicitate cu dăunători. Această doamnă poate lua un E.C ridicat și vă va răsplăti cu muguri denși, ponderați. Vă recomandăm să o spălați cu 2 săptămâni înainte de recoltare pentru a elimina nutrienții care s-ar fi putut acumula în timp.


Un soi cu adevărat indica ai cărei terpeni îți vor lăsa gura apă. Este picantă și va lăsa senzații piperate cu o ușoară tentă fructată. Northern Lights are un gust mai mult pământesc decât înțepător, care cu siguranță miroase ca și cum va fi o bombă. Și este.

Compară cu soiuri similare

Recoltă SUA Exterior
Înălțime SUA
500 – 600 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/plantă
35 – 47 inci
9 săptămâni
Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plantă
31 – 40 inci
9 săptămâni
Sativa 60%/Indica 40%
400 – 650 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/plantă
35 – 59 inci
10 săptămâni
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/plantă
31 – 51 inci
9 săptămâni
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%

Recenzii clienți

4.5 din 5
101 evaluări de la clienți
5 stele
4 stele
3 stele
2 stele
1 stea

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Citește recenzii care menționează

Fekle. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
Long time grower, but new to autos
I'm an older man, in my late 60s, with a lot of different aches and pains going on, this is a great strain to help me relax and wind down after a hard day. The grow itself was even therapuetic. I really enjoyed the day to day tasks of growing this and the progress I saw. I have only grown a few autos in my time so it was quite wonderful to see how fast they grow in comparison. The structure was great for LST and she took a medium amount of nutes. Overall I will keep growing this from time to time.
8 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 6 February 2024
I'm just finishing my first grow in 40 years and really appreciate your comments on the experience of the grow. I have really enjoyed watching the entire process, figuring out environmental stability, and admiring the beauty of the cannabis species in general.
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 24 April 2024
Be very careful with dosages!
I find this stuff way too strong. I can hardly open my eyes or get up from the couch. Going to bed is the only option. I’m writing this in the aftermath. I don’t honestly know what I’m gonna do with my harvest and so much of it too.
5 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 6 April 2024
Smoke it
Raportează abuz
Commented 26 January
This is exactly the reason I love this Strain!
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 4 July 2022
Huge Northern lights 438g
This big beauty was ready in 11 weeks Really happy with the results I recommend you to try it guy’s and didn’t have any deficiency problem’s the only problem i had was that the grow tent wasn’t big enough for this monster of a plant ???????? 438g on the scale thanks to fastbuds keep on rockinn you have the best genetics and many flavors to choose from ????????❤️ Hope you like the photos sorry I’ve they are a little bit blurry .. there’s a photo showing that the plant wet and trimmed for the first time was 2.6kg then we trimmed again for the second time and but in And put in jars for another week and we had the amount of 438g ☘️❤️
5 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 9 July 2023
Dude sweeeeet looking forward
Raportează abuz
Commented 21 March 2024
this looks stunning, i cant believe what im seeing. these colas are HUGE.
Raportează abuz
Commented 7 April 2024
Great grow, Man!
Raportează abuz
Commented 8 September 2024
Got high just by looking at that beautiful beast.
Raportează abuz
Commented 16 January
That was a beast!!! Congratulations
Raportează abuz
darth vader. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
5 star strain
I've had this curing for a month now so I'm ready to make the review. Germination: 5/5- 3 out of 3 seeds popped in 72 hours. Growth: 5/5 - Grew into a perfectly bushy indica plant, with good internodal spacing, giving good structure for training. Seed to Harvest in 10 weeks. Taste: 5/5- A nice spicy yet smooth flavour with fruity undertones and subtle skunky and sweet notes as well. Effect: 5/5- Gives a dreamy, walking on clouds feeling. The perfect strain for night time and watching movies. It's been a godsend during quarantine. Overall a great choice for anyone at any level.
4 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 19 January 2021
Great well rounded review
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 20 September 2022
the shit just knocks me out
it’s totally incompatible with my lifestyle
3 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Don. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
I like it but it took a lot longer to grow than expected, around 12 weeks. I was hoping it would be done in 9.
3 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Kean. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
Night Night Strain
This is the best night time smoke I've had in a while, put me right out!
3 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Garlic Knots
Reviewed 25 January 2023
Potent throwback to the original
100% germination rate, these girls were monsters from the start. Thick, leafy and beautiful. Plant and bud structure same as the original Pez/Northern Lights. Been experiencing an interesting Winter in my neck of the woods. Super warm, then sudden cold snaps. My plants just kept doing their thing, seemingly unphased by the temperature swings. I did have a CalMag deficiency then a P-K lockout right in mid flower that put them on pause for a little while(totally my fault) but once resolved they finished beautifully. Very happy with harvest amount, even though I know I could have yielded more if not for the lockout during a crucial time. One finished in 72 days and the other was done in 82 days. The buds look very old school, triangular spears with an insane amount of hairs. Mild but complex smell and taste. Very earthy like a forest. Toasted pine nuts and sandalwood are the predominant flavors with some mushroom and a very faint red berry sweetness. The high envelopes my whole body, causing full relaxation without a cloudy head. I would definitely call this run a success, can't wait to try the remaining seeds in an outdoor run to see how big they can REALLY get!
2 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 16 January 2023
Good old strain
Grew this strain outdoor last summer. It was a really dry summer and although both of my plants got mold. The buds I could harvest were great, but I have smoked better NL.
2 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
DalSantoGrows. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
I have always grown feminized photoperiods, but decided to give autos a try. I did a lot of research and thought this breeder would be a great place to start, lo and behold they have strains I am familiar with and have grown before (just not autoflowering form) . I'm convinced autos are the future. This baby yielded about 150 in my inexperienced autoflower virgin hands. i did not have much expectation so that for me is a huge success. congrats, y'all!
2 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Încarcă mai multe recenzii (49)
Northern Lights Auto
Northern Lights Auto' pack backside
Northern Lights Auto
Northern Lights Auto' pack frontside

Recenzii GrowDiaries

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Întrebări și răspunsuri clienți

61 voturi
When should I start feeding?
Hi! You should start feeding with a lower dose as soon as the first true leaves have developed.
de Sieberg pe 10 June 2020
50 voturi
I'm doing my first hydro grow and I'm finding it really hard to keep the pH stable. Any suggestions?
Hi! You should always check the pH before mixing your solutions and once again before feeding your plants.
de Mark pe 11 March 2020
48 voturi
At night my temperatures are lowering to around 12ºC, but in the day it is arond 23ºC. Are my plants going to survive?
Hello! Northern Lights is quite resilient so it should survive, make sure you check on her daily, and if you see signs of stress try to cover her at night to protect her from the cold.
de Cestone pe 22 April 2020
48 voturi
My plant is about 3 weeks old and it has started to grow very slowly. Can you help me diagnose the issue?
Hello! Slow growth can be caused by several issues like overfeeding or overwatering. Please send us an email and we'll help you diagnose the problem.
de Dolph pe 16 March 2020
37 voturi
I want to top my northern lights, but I don't know if she's strong enough. How can I tell if she's in good conditon and will recover from it?
Hi, thanks for asking! As long as she's growing without issues she'll recover. If you see any sign of deficiencies you should wait until she recovers before topping.
de Aronson pe 27 July 2020
34 voturi
How do I know if I'm under or over-watering my plants?
Hello, thanks for your question! If you're overwatering the leaves will start to get droopy and if you're underwatering the leaves will start to dry up and get crispy.
de Skillern pe 20 July 2020
28 voturi
In your description you mention this plant can take a high E.C feed - can you provide a reference value/range?
Hello, a higher EC value means that this plant can take a higher nutrient dose, we cannot give you a value because it depends on the type of medium you are using, please send an email to [email protected] and we'll be able to guide you.
de Crash3r pe 10 December 2020
27 voturi
What is the recommended light cycle?
Hello, thanks for asking! We usually recommend 18/6 but if you grow under 20/4 it's possible you'll get slightly higher yields, so it basically comes down to what you can afford and what suits you better.
de Tolosky pe 29 December 2020
25 voturi
What would be the best size tent for the strain?
Hi, thanks for asking! You can fit 2-3 plants in a 1m2 growing tent.
de Akahi pe 10 July 2020
25 voturi
The leaves on my Northern Lights have started to point upwards. What does this mean?
Hello! If the leaves are pointing upwards but you don't see any yellowing on them, it means you've found the sweet spot for light intensity, everything is fine. Just make sure you keep an eye for signs of deficiencies.
de Wilkes pe 26 January 2020
22 voturi
Is it true that you don't have to check your ph when feeding organic nutrients?
Hello, thanks for asking! Usually, with 100% organic nutrients you don't have to check the pH unless you see signs of deficiencies, but you should check it unless it's specified by the manufacturer.
de Presnar pe 24 June 2020
14 voturi
I am about to harvest my northern lights. I see some people wet trim and then dry the plant, and others dry the plant and then trim it dry. What's the best way to do it?
Hello! It depends on the conditions you provide while drying. If you can control the environment in your drying room then it's ok to trim after drying, if not, you should wet trim.
de Whitset pe 25 September 2020
10 voturi
Is it low odor for a stealth balcony grow?
Hello, thanks for asking! Our Northern Lights Auto doesn't smell as much as some other strains such as our Cheese Auto during the flowering stage but it will smell a bit so if you are worried it would be better to have aromatic plants to help mask the smell if you're growing outdoors or a carbon filter if you're growing indoors.
de Garafano pe 21 December 2020
8 voturi
Can you recommend me if this is better than amnesia haze for hot climate, or if you can recommend a strain that is good for got climate that would be awesome! Cheers
hello, thanks for asking! This is a good strain for hot climates but please take a look at our Jack Herer Auto which thrives in hotter climates.
de Bente pe 17 November 2020
1 voturi
I have a 1.2m x 1.2m grow box, 600w HPS, 12l pots. How many plants can you plant for maximum yield?
Hello, you should be able to grow up to 10 plants, depending on the pot size and genetics you're growing.
de Yarik pe 29 August 2021
0 voturi
Ar autoflowering strains comfortable with 14° temperatures at night?Are there any good effects on the plant when stays the night outdoors?
Hello, thanks for asking. As long as the temperature is above 13°C you shouldn't have a problem, just make sure you keep an eye on your plant to see if everything is okay. A good thing about growing outdoors is that due to the lower temperatures at night, your plant will show unique colors but other than that the bud quality will depend on your ability as a grower.
de Vanderlinden pe 12 April 2021
0 voturi
I’m considering growing this indoors alongside 2 other indicas which are recommended to be kept below 50% RH during the entire flowering phase - would this do well in the same conditions? Thanks
Hello, thanks for asking. As long as the temperature is within the acceptable range, you won't have a problem. Just make sure the humidity is above 40%.
de Gaschet pe 10 April 2021